Congratulations EHSS Obtain QingdaoTechnology Center

          Column:COMPANY NEWS Time:2016-12-06
          Enterprises set up the advantage of technology center mainly reflects in:

          1. The technical development can be quickly transformed into productivity.Through the integration of technology center for the technical staff, make the technical development work from design input, output, review, verification, validation and the stages of change are related technical personnel to participate in, to ensure the quality of the design.

          2. The process supervision and service in a timely manner, is advantageous to the product and process improvement, promote product upgrades and improvement of production capacity, has great role in promoting the quality of product.

          3. The centralized management of the technical documentation, help the company to effectively control the technical documents, the relevant departments to get effective version, prevent because file caused by the wrong use or misuse of the happening of the unqualified.

          4. Help technical personnel of the management and utilization of beneficial to technical personnel's motivation and promotion.Enterprise set up technology center usually include: business (sales engineers, suppliers, engineers), development, technology, information management, and other functions of refinement.

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